At Newark Emmaus Trust we provide young homeless people with training to enable independence. We are able to offer residents life skills training programmes as well as the opportunity to access academic education. In our purpose-built training centre (the HUB), working with our qualified staff, residents can work towards towards certificates of achievement through workbooks.
Our aim is to create a controlled learning environment where students are challenged to achieve their best and reach their full potential. Students are encouraged to be well-motivated, hardworking, smart and polite whilst on the course they undertake.
Residents have an opportunity to take part in trips, adventure activities and residential visits. We assist residents to find employment opportunities and training courses at college. We invite external professionals to our training Hub to offer guidance and information on a variety of subjects in order to keep them safe. We also partner with local businesses who help with potential work experience and help with CVs and job applications. We offer opportunities to volunteer in the community to gain experience.