Crime & Punishment

Students in our training centre have been learning about the history of crime & punishment in the UK. We visited the National Justice Museum in Nottingham. During our visit we took part in a mock trial and had an actor led tour of the cells, gallows and exercise […]
Emily’s Journey To Independence

Emily has moved on from the Trust after living with us for over 18 months. I came to live at the Trust in April 2015 after me and my boyfriend split up. To start with I shared a house with another girl, but I was soon moved into my own self-contained flat. I joined the […]
Youth Crime Commission

Trust residents Charlotte & Antony are taking part in the Nottinghamshire Youth Crime Commission. They recently met Paddy Tipping (Notts Police Crime Commissioner) at the second event held in Nottingham. The initiative aims to include young people in shaping the future of policing and has so far covered topics including rehabilitation, hate crime and night […]
Volunteering with the Canal & River Trust

Come rain or shine (mostly rain just lately), our group of volunteers have been busy painting gates and fences, weeding and clearing paths on the stretch of the River Trent that the Trust adopted last year.
Leaving A Legacy
By leaving a gift to Newark Emmaus trust you will be supporting our continuing work with young, single homeless people in the Newark area. Since being founded in 1993 the Trust has received over 2000 applications and housed over 500 vulnerable young people. We don’t simply provide a safe place to stay, but also a […]
MPs Visit
On Friday 22nd January 2016, Newark MP Robert Jenrick visited the project. He met the directors of the Trust and some of the staff and young people. “The Emmaus Trust has a great reputation and I have always wanted to see for myself what goes on here”. Mr Jenrick is seen talking to Conor Bellamy, […]
Newark Emmaus Trust

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